Ruth Saw
empowering leaders
with clarity
the clarity expert
International Bestselling Author, Ruth Saw, founded The Clarity Expert (TCE), with a vision to empower leaders to find clarity and to communicate effectively and authentically through presentations, dialogue and books using tools such as CliftonStrengths, Soundwave and Liberating Structures.
TCE prides in creating bespoke programs, customised and tailored to your organisation needs.
about Ruth Saw
She is a trainer and coach who focuses on empowering leaders with clarity, maximising team performance and communication skills across cultures, using tools such as the CliftonStrengths and Soundwave. She is an international bestselling author of the book, Clarity is Power, available in major bookstores in Singapore and Malaysia.
Before her training career, she was in the procurement industry in the Asia Pacific region as a manager, trainer and consultant in several MNCs and governmental organisations, specialising in eProcurement transformation, strategic spend management and change management.
Ruth lived in Australia from 2010 to 2020 and co-facilitated “Strengths Based Leadership” for Hillsong Evening College in Australia. She was the General Manager and part of the pioneering team that brought Speakers Institute, a public speaking training company, to Singapore, helping individuals and corporations master the art of communication through Cliftonstrengths, stage presence and body language.
Ruth holds a Master of Business Administration (Executive Dean’s Merit List) from the Sydney Graduate School of Management as well as an honours degree in Electrical Engineering from the National University of Singapore.
Having lived and worked in different cultures including the United States of America, Taiwan, China, Australia and Singapore, she now resides in Singapore.

"Like a diamond, the more clarity you have, the more value you'll bring"
"Simon Sinek is famous for his secular quote, ‘Start with Why’ – Ruth Saw’s book is the spiritual equivalent – Clarity is Power. As a reader, Ruth had me reflecting on my everyday habits – and made me clearer on what a purpose-driven life is."
Michael Grinder, Leading Expert in Non-Verbal Communication, USA

clarity is power


empowering leaders with clarity
soar higher - see further - maximise your potential
our services

Leadership Skills
Understanding your leadership identity, team review and development of strategies for high-performance teams for senior leaders

Communication Skills
Understand how you can lead with dialogue, turn your data into stories and create engaging presentations or speeches.

Individual & Group Coaching
Coaching at the individual or group level using CliftonStrengths or Soundwave to maximise your potential and to lead with dialogue